Podcasts on vinyl?!

adding vinyl to your merchandising strategy

Ordering Options

Bulk ordering

This is the traditional way of ordering merchandise. You pay for the product, and we give you the product (100 QTY minimum on records). We can send you everything in bulk, or you can take advantage of our fulfillment services. We receive the merchandise, store your backstock, and fulfill orders from your fans!


If you prefer not paying the up front costs associated with bulk ordering, you can request a merchandising assessment form. We will review your submission and contact you with next steps.

Download the pitch deck

Vinyl Sales are Booming

Record sales have outpaced every other physical audio format for the last 2 years. Spoken word vinyl is nothing new, and several podcasts have already been successful offering fans a chance to buy vinyl versions of special episodes.

Ownership and Collectability

Even though only about half of record purchasers own a record player, vinyl sales continue to climb with no end in sight. For many, vinyl about owning a physical copy of the content they love. With limitless music and digital content available on apps and websites, buying physical copies of audio isn’t about access anymore; It’s about ownership. It’s about collectability. Now it’s easier than ever for podcasts to offer fans limited vinyl releases to add to their growing collections!


Pre-Orders at live shows or online

  • Zero initial costs for you
  • Fans can pre-order limited-run, numbered vinyl of your live podcast or speaking event as they’re attending! Just place the pre-order QR code right at your merch booth! (minimum pre-order quantities of 100 required before production)
  • We remaster and optimize your audio tracks for vinyl
  • Records come in a variety of colors
  • Albums are numbered for improved collectability and to ensure limited circulation quantities
  • Offer vinyl pre-orders as part of your fundraising or patreon campaign

How it works