Companies advertising on podcasts often use affiliate links and promo codes to track campaign effectiveness. Why not use that same process to send out co-branded merchandise for new sign ups?

Certified Crucial‘s turnkey co-branding campaigns offer creators and advertisers with effective promotional merchandising solutions in three easy steps!

  1. Meet with one of our merchandising specialists to plan your campaign.
  1. Provide your own designs or use one of our Crucial Creators to create an exclusive design for you.
  1. Send us an automated alert when a new customer signs up using a campaign promo code or link.

That’s it! We do the rest. Fulfillment, tracking, and replenishment is handled by Certified Crucial for the entirety of your campaign.

A couple stats to consider:

  • Nearly 10 out 10 people say they are willing to go out of their way to get a promotional product (PPAI).
  • 79% of customers feel appreciated when they receive promotional merchandise. (BPMA)
  • Consumers are nearly 2.5 times more likely to have a positive opinion of promotional products compared to internet advertising. (ASI)

Podcast fans have significant loyalties to the shows they love. By offering exclusive promotional co-branded merchandise, you are ensuring higher CTA responses for your podcast advertising campaigns!