The podcasting world is booming, but when it comes to merch, many creators are missing a golden opportunity. Did you know that only 14% of podcasters actually earn income from selling merchandise related to their show? That’s a massive untapped market just waiting to be explored.


Meanwhile, in another corner of the cultural landscape, vinyl records are experiencing an electrifying resurgence. Sales skyrocketed by an astounding 94% in 2021 alone. Yet, this isn’t merely a resurgence fueled by nostalgia; it’s a seismic shift driven by a collective hunger for the tactile, the precious, the one-of-a-kind.


Enter the notoriously engaged podcast listener. They are not mere passive listeners; they are active participants, fervently championing independent culture, and hungering for as much content from you as possible, including the tangible kind. Listeners crave a connection with the creators who ignite their imaginations, and they’re willing to show their support in tangible ways.


In a digital era where intangibility reigns supreme, owning a physical manifestation of one’s beloved podcast becomes a statement – a badge of honor, a catalyst for conversation, a profound declaration of fandom. It’s time for creators to seize this moment, to transform their loyal listeners into devoted fans, and to unlock a revenue stream that’s been waiting in the wings.


But there’s a deeper narrative at play here. Podcasters often find themselves entangled in a web of promoting others’ products, relegating their own potential to the sidelines. Yet, imagine the seismic shift that occurs when creators realize they possess the power to forge their own path, to craft their own merchandise, and in doing so, lay the foundation for attracting brand sponsors eager to align with their unique vision.


This is where Certified Crucial steps in. As pioneers in the realm of custom merchandise solutions for podcasters, we understand the power of tangible connection. What are we most excited about? Limited-edition podcasts on vinyl – the perfect marriage of two resurgent cultures and a testament to the enduring allure of the analog in a digital age.


The future of podcasting is brimming with possibilities, and custom merch is the missing puzzle piece. By harnessing the power of limited-edition vinyl and unique, niche-specific merch, creators can forge a deeper bond with their audience, transform listeners into brand ambassadors, and finally tap into a lucrative revenue stream that’s been long overlooked. 


Let Certified Crucial be your guide in this exciting new frontier. We’ll help you craft the perfect merch strategy to elevate your podcast and turn your passion into profit. The time to act is now –  don’t miss out on the chance to turn your voice into a thriving brand.